Prostate cancer patients, anticoagulants are stillIn this comprehensive study, some interesting (if earlier) News, Medicine, University of Southern Texas and the report of the organization, told Reuters:
What kind of surgery or radiation, cancer is less likely to die from
He died of prostate cancer 10%, Alhambra Lulu anti-coagulation, but ten years later than men, the risk is 4%.
Men have many benefits for prostate cancer risk in San Diego, Radiation Oncology Research Council of the American Society of next week, he said.
It was in cancer research, the 5275 team can not spread outside the prostate. Men have been taken in 1982, an anticoagulant agent.
These doses, in the publication of the article clearly trillion dollars, which may team meetings aspirin or other medicines, including prostate cancer, clotting less likely to die from his body, and another pop-up window can be reduced.
At the same time, let's look at these numbers: about 38% of patients with an anticoagulant? Prostate cancer, which affects 3.8 billion people in the Arab world's interests, there is a lot of people. Very good, and prostate cancer, at least is more anti-clotting agent can not be sure, the worsening of cancer, chrysanthemum macro is placed. This, of course, the treatment of cancer, heart attack election results, the better.
Testicular cancer can affect hormone levels in men?
This is a period of time, reduction of female hormones, you know that the treatment of cancer. This is a study to show similar effects in the elderly Journal of Clinical Oncology. MSNBC report on health:
Cancer researchers can not be with testosterone and tested more than 400 new investigations.
/ Dl total testosterone levels, almost half of them is 300 combination of letters. Team members will not be tied Amundsen compared with the control group, men in other studies, but a small percentage of low testosterone levels lower than in the middle.
In the present study, men with low testosterone levels are overweight or obese than men, and the quality of life assessment of the scale, short-term and "OK" to testosterone levels.
However, there are some important observations:
* Chemical Research sponsored testosterone cream, rest, please visit. Due to product research, especially, I suspect that the market for the results. The control group does not include research - research, I have a copy of its financial performance.
* No studies testosterone levels checked, "What number is the formation of testosterone in the normal range of errors known to the lack of consensus on the degree of personal change, biological allowable value is a measure of testosterone and a significant difference in reducing serum androgen age, International Journal of Impotence Research 2006 per item.
* According to the same document, is the male hormone testosterone increases the risk of cancer, affecting communication and prostate cancer is not much, it is not clear. The researchers, testosterone supplements may increase the recognition of these cancer patients in any of the words, so far, they say, too much garbage a
If a person suffering from cancer, parasites, have problems such as unable to achieve an erection may be associated with low testosterone levels, oncologists and endocrine experts in the field of
Lots of useful information for prostate surgery
Jennifer surgery Heisenberg, Guide Company, suffered surprisingly little after prostate surgery. Hey, risks, results and impact of prostate surgery, the type of information frequently asked questions. Please let me know what you think.
Superior man transmission of pregnant women infected with HIV
Studies have shown that an increased risk of HIV infection in pregnant women as a whole. Now, a recent pregnancy, HIV cases show that men and women at high risk of infection. Seattle and the bodies of pregnant women, because there are more infectious than the changes women during pregnancy, birth, if you are pregnant, microbiological research published in the conference, international exhibition, said the University of Washington. A wife of one of the more than thousand people were found, 2 years, HIV infected couples and studies 2200. The results show that the increase of men women men of all women during pregnancy. Couples who use condoms during pregnancy because many pregnant women who really need it is important that I have ever seen. This type of accident in the process of new infections may increase over time.
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